search near
gps position
search near
search within
gps area
search within
wkt area
search within
stored wkt
search by
search by
full text
search dev
full text
search within
wkt area
full text
search within
gps area
full text
search near
gps position
full text
search exp
event search
event search
event search
within wkt
event search
within gps
event search
near gps
search near
gps position
search near
gps position
search near
gps position
address poi
search by text
address poi
search by text
address poi
search by text
near gps
bus routes
search near
gps position
bus routes
search within
gps area
bus routes
search within
wkt area
bus routes
search within
stored wkt
tpl routes
tpl stops
service info
distance from
point within
coordinates to
service info
check exist
check exist
is in standby
is shutdown
is started
get currently
get job detail
get triggers of
get job group
get trigger
group names
get paused
trigger groups
get job fire
get system
trigger job
pause all
pause job
pause jobs
pause trigger
resume all
resume job
resume jobs
notificator last
history events
trend plot
time series
plumber data
portia crawler
iotapp restart
search near
search within
search within
search along
service info
full text
search near
full text
search within
full text
search within
full text
search along
full text
search usr
event search
near marker
event search
within circle
event search
event search
along path
event search
search near
search near
address poi
search by text
address poi
search by text
near marker
address poi
search by text
within circle
bus routes
search near
bus routes
search within
bus routes
search within
tpl agencies
tpl lines
tpl routes by
tpl routes by
tpl stops by
tpl stop
within circle
value type
search near
value type
search within
value type
search within
value type
search along
get my data
get my
get my
get my
get other
activity on my
save my data
get my
get other data
get my
get my
get public
get delegated
get iotapps
using my
save my
switch button
gauge chart
single content
single bar
vertical single
web content
time trend
bar series
radar series
pie chart
curved line
table content
sigfox device
iot directory in
iot directory out
fiware orion
subscribe v1
fiware orion
query v1
fiware orion
update v1
fiware orion
out v1
fiware orion in
fiware orion
query v2
fiware orion
out v2
fiware orion in
v2(url syntax
fiware orion
query v2(url
syntax v1)
fiware orion
out v2(url
syntax v1)
event log

The node returns a GeoJSON containing the list of services searched. The node configuration is left completely free to the developer (i. e. in the field selection a search point can be entered with latitude and longitude, a wkt of any shape, the coordinates of the identification points of a rectangular area). The search can be filtered according to the categories of services to be searched, inserting manually the categories to search divided by semicolon

service search neargps position

The node returns a GeoJSON containing the list of services searched, in another output a subdivision of the services found in "BusStop, Sensor and Service" is made and in the third output the list of services related to the services searched is returned. The search can be localized by entering the search point with latitude and longitude. The search can be filtered according to the categories of services to be searched, inserting manually the categories to search divided by semicolon

search near

The node returns a GeoJSON containing the list of services searched, in another output a subdivision of the services found in "BusStop, Sensor and Service" is made and in the third output the list of services related to the services searched is returned. The search can be localized by entering the service uri of a service to search near to it. The search can be filtered according to the categories of services to be searched, inserting manually the categories to search divided by semicolon

search within
gps area

The node returns a GeoJSON containing the list of services searched, in another output a subdivision of the services found in "BusStop, Sensor and Service" is made and in the third output the list of services related to the services searched is returned. The search can be located within a rectangular area and the user must enter the coordinates of the point at the bottom left and top right of that area. The search can be filtered according to the categories of services to be searched, inserting manually the categories to search divided by semicolon

search within
wkt area

The node returns a GeoJSON containing the list of services searched, in another output a subdivision of the services found in "BusStop, Sensor and Service" is made and in the third output the list of services related to the services searched is returned. The search can be located within any area decided by the user. The area to be searched for must be passed to the node as a string in wkt format. The search can be filtered according to the categories of services to be searched, inserting manually the categories to search divided by semicolon

search within
stored wkt

The node returns a GeoJSON containing the list of services searched, in another output a subdivision of the services found in "BusStop, Sensor and Service" is made and in the third output the list of services related to the services searched is returned. The search can be located within an area previously selected on the tool ServiceMap, in the configuration tab must be passed the name of the stored area. The search can be filtered according to the categories of services to be searched, inserting manually the categories to search divided by semicolon

search by

The node returns a GeoJSON containing the list of services searched, in another output a subdivision of the services found in "BusStop, Sensor and Service" is made and in the third output the list of services related to the services searched is returned. The search can be located within any municipality decided by the user. The municipality to be searched for must be passed to the node as a string like “Comune di Firenze”. The search can be filtered according to the categories of services to be searched, inserting manually the categories to search divided by semicolon

search by

The node returns a GeoJSON containing the list of events that take place during the requested period and, in another output, a list of the service uri of the events found. The search cannot be localized.

service info

The node returns a GeoJSON containing the list of services searched. The node configuration is left completely free to the developer (i. e. in the field selection a search point can be entered with latitude and longitude, a wkt of any shape, the coordinates of the identification points of a rectangular area). The search can be filtered according to the categories of services to be searched, inserting manually the categories to search divided by semicolon

full text
search dev

The node returns a GeoJSON containing the list of entities (not only services) that match with a list of keywords. The node configuration is left completely free to the developer (i. e. in the field selection a search point can be entered with latitude and longitude, a wkt of any shape, the coordinates of the identification points of a rectangular area)

full text
search within
wkt area

The node returns a GeoJSON containing the list of entities (not only services) that match with a list of keywords and, in another output, a list of the service uri of the entities found. The search can be located within an area previously selected on the tool ServiceMap, in the configuration tab must be passed the name of the stored area.

full text
search within
gps area

The node returns a GeoJSON containing the list of entities (not only services) that match with a list of keywords and, in another output, a list of the service uri of the entities found. The search can be located within a rectangular area and the user must enter the coordinates of the point at the bottom left and top right of that area.

full text
search near
gps position

The node returns a GeoJSON containing the list of entities (not only services) that match with a list of keywords and, in another output, a list of the service uri of the entities found. The search can be localized by entering the search point with latitude and longitude.

full text
search exp

The node returns a GeoJSON containing the list of entities (not only services) that match with a list of keywords and, in another output, a list of the service uri of the entities found. The search cannot be localized.

event search

It allows to retrieve the geolocated events in a given temporal range (day, week or month). The results can be possibly filtered to be within a specified distance from a GPS position, or within a rectangular area or inside a WKT described geographic area.

event search

The node returns a GeoJSON containing the list of events that take place during the requested period and, in another output, a list of the service uri of the events found. The search cannot be localized..

event search
within wkt

The node returns a GeoJSON containing the list of events that take place during the requested period and, in another output, a list of the service uri of the events found. The search can be located within any area decided by the user. The area to be searched for must be passed to the node as a string in wkt format.

event search
within gps

The node returns a GeoJSON containing the list of events that take place during the requested period and, in another output, a list of the service uri of the events found. The search can be located within a rectangular area and the user must enter the coordinates of the point at the bottom left and top right of that area.

event search
near gps

The node returns a GeoJSON containing the list of events that take place during the requested period and, in another output, a list of the service uri of the events found. The search can be localized by entering the search point with latitude and longitude.

search near
gps position

This node returns a JSON containing the address information closest to the input coordinates and can also return the list of available areas or lines that pass through the entered point.

search near
gps position

This node returns a JSON containing the address information closest to the input coordinates. The search must be localized by entering the search point with latitude and longitude.

search near
gps position

This node returns a JSON containing the address information closest to the input coordinates in the other ouput return the list of available areas or lines that pass through the entered point. The search must be localized by entering the search point with latitude and longitude.

address poi
search by text

The node returns a GeoJSON containing the list of address or services that match with a list of keywords and, in another output, a list of the service uri of the services and addresses found. The search cannot be localized.

address poi
search by text

The node returns a GeoJSON containing the list of address or services that match with a list of keywords and, in another output, a list of the service uri of the services and addresses found. The search cannot be localized.

address poi
search by text
near gps

The node returns a GeoJSON containing the list of address or services that match with a list of keywords and, in another output, a list of the service uri of the services and addresses found. The search can be localized by entering the search point with latitude and longitude.

The node returns a JSON containing the list of local public transport routes that are located within the area indicated by the user. The results can be filtered based on the agency to which the route belongs.

bus routes
search near
gps position

The node returns a JSON containing the list of local public transport routes that are located within the area indicated by the user. The search can be localized by entering the search point with latitude and longitude. It is possible to filter the result based on the agency to which the route belongs.

bus routes
search within
gps area

The node returns a JSON containing the list of local public transport routes that are located within the area indicated by the user. The search can be located within a rectangular area and the user must enter the coordinates of the point at the bottom left and top right of that area. It is possible to filter the result based on the agency to which the route belongs.

bus routes
search within
wkt area

The node returns a JSON containing the list of local public transport routes that are located within the area indicated by the user. The area to be searched for must be passed to the node as a string in wkt format.It is possible to filter the result based on the agency to which the route belongs.

bus routes
search within
stored wkt

The node returns a JSON containing the list of local public transport routes that are located within the area indicated by the user. The search can be located within an area previously selected on the tool ServiceMap, in the configuration tab must be passed the name of the stored area. It is possible to filter the result based on the agency to which the route belongs.

tpl routes

The node returns a JSON containing a list of routes available. In the case of this developer node, all combinations described and reported in the nodes (with level "all") that return the routes can be used.

tpl stops

The node returns a JSON containing information about the incoming route (i. e. line number, line name) and a GeoJson containing the list of all stops that can be found on that route. Since this node can be used by the developer, it can be decided in the configuration whether or not to receive information about the route wkt.

check exist

This node returns a JSON containing a Boolean value that indicates if the job requested in input through its name and the name of the group of jobs to which it belongs, exists in the host that must be indicated in configuration tab with its ip.

check exist

This node returns a JSON containing a Boolean value that indicates if the trigger requested in input through its name and the name of the group of trigger to which it belongs, exists in the host that must be indicated in configuration tab with its ip

is in standby

This node returns a JSON containing a Boolean value that indicates whether the DISCES on a particular machine is in standby mode

is shutdown

This node returns a JSON containing a Boolean value that indicates whether the DISCES on a particular machine is in shutdown mode

is started

This node returns a JSON containing a Boolean value that indicates whether the DISCES on a particular machine is started

get currently

This node returns a JSON containing the list of jobs that are performing in the host that is indicated in the configuration panel. For each Job that is running it is indicated: the name, the group to which it belongs and the date of when it will be executed again.

get job detail

This node returns a JSON containing information about the job requested in configuration with its name and the name of the group to which it belongs.

get triggers of

This node returns a JSON containing the list of triggers for a given job requested in configuration with its name and the name of the group to which it belongs.

get job group

This node returns a JSON containing the list of group names of the jobs that are located in the host that is indicated in the configuration panel.

get trigger
group names

This node returns a JSON containing the list of group names of the trigger that are located in the host that is indicated in the configuration panel.

get paused
trigger groups

This node returns a JSON containing the list of group names of the trigger that are located in the host that is indicated in the configuration panel. In this case the list contain only the paused trigger groups

get job fire

This node returns a JSON containing the list of runned times of a job that are located in the host that is indicated in the configuration panel.

get system

This node returns a JSON containing the list of information about the host that is indicated in the configuration panel.

trigger job

This node returns a JSON containing a Boolean value that indicates if the job requested in input through its name and the name of the group of jobs to which it belongs, exists in the host that must be indicated in configuration tab with its ip.

pause all

This node returns a JSON containing a Boolean value that indicates whether the DISCES on a particular machine managed to stop all jobs.

pause job

This node returns a JSON containing a Boolean value that indicates whether the DISCES on a particular machine managed to stop the specific job.

pause jobs

This node returns a JSON containing a Boolean value that indicates whether the DISCES on a particular machine managed to stop the specific group job.

pause trigger

This node returns a JSON containing a Boolean value that indicates whether the DISCES on a particular machine managed to stop the specific trigger.


This node returns a JSON containing a Boolean value that indicates whether the DISCES on a particular machine managed to stop the specific group trigger.

resume all

This node returns a JSON containing a Boolean value that indicates whether the DISCES on a particular machine managed to resume all jobs.

resume job

This node returns a JSON containing a Boolean value that indicates whether the DISCES on a particular machine managed to resume the specific job.

resume jobs

This node returns a JSON containing a Boolean value that indicates whether the DISCES on a particular machine managed to resume the specific group job.


This node returns a JSON containing a Boolean value that indicates whether the DISCES on a particular machine managed to resume the specific trigger.


This node returns a JSON containing a Boolean value that indicates whether the DISCES on a particular machine managed to resume the specific group trigger.

notificator last

This node allows you to check if events of a certain type have been created within a given widget belonging to a certain dashboard every time interval decided by the user.

history events

This node allows you to check if events of a certain type have been created, within a certain widget belonging to a certain dashboard within a user defined period of time.


This node calculates the main descriptive statistics on the selected input dataset.

trend plot

This node calculates the trend plots (average and daily) on the selected input dataset.

time series

This node calculates the arima model predictions of the next hour respect to the last observation of the current day (today) of the selected input dataset.


This node calculates a machine learning model predictions of the current day selected (24-hours splitted in to 10-minutes’ slots).


This node pushes the message payload it receives to a corresponding resource. Its configuration only has a Resource ID which specifies the destined CKAN Resource of the data

This node gets data from DATAGATE Timeseries Datastore. Default limit for returning results is 500 records per request. There is paging support in the response


This node creates a new DATAGATE Datastore resource. It allows to specify the resource schema to be stored (i.e the fields of the data, like latitude, longitude of coordinate data).

search near

The node returns a GeoJSON containing the list of services searched, in another output a found in "BusStop, Sensor and Service" is made and in the third output the list of services related to the services searched is returned. The search can be localized by entering the search point directly on the map showed to the user in configuration tab. The search can be filtered according to the categories of services to be searched, selectable from a menu in the configuration tab

search within

The node returns a GeoJSON containing the list of services searched, in another output a found in "BusStop, Sensor and Service" is made and in the third output the list of services related to the services searched is returned. The search can be localized by drawing the circle directly on the map showed to the user in configuration tab. The search can be filtered according to the categories of services to be searched, selectable from a menu in the configuration tab

search within

The node returns a GeoJSON containing the list of services searched, in another output a found in "BusStop, Sensor and Service" is made and in the third output the list of services related to the services searched is returned. The search can be localized by drawing a rectangular area or a specific polygon directly on the map showed to the user in configuration tab. The search can be filtered according to the categories of services to be searched, selectable from a menu in the configuration tab

search along

The node returns a GeoJSON containing the list of services searched, in another output a found in "BusStop, Sensor and Service" is made and in the third output the list of services related to the services searched is returned. The search can be localized by drawing a line directly on the map showed to the user in configuration tab. The search can be filtered according to the categories of services to be searched, selectable from a menu in the configuration tab.

service info

The node returns a GeoJson containing all available information of the requested service. An example of a serviceUri that can be passed to the node is http://www.disit.org/km4city/resource/CarParkCareggi, relating to the car park that is located near the hospital of Careggi.

full text
search near

The node returns a GeoJSON containing the list of entities (not only services) that match with a list of keywords and, in another output, a list of the service uri of the entities found. The search can be localized by entering the search point directly on the map showed to the user in configuration tab.

full text
search within

The node returns a GeoJSON containing the list of entities (not only services) that match with a list of keywords and, in another output, a list of the service uri of the entities found. The search can be localized by drawing the circle directly on the map showed to the user in configuration tab.

full text
search within

The node returns a GeoJSON containing the list of entities (not only services) that match with a list of keywords and, in another output, a list of the service uri of the entities found. The search can be localized by drawing a rectangular area or a specific polygon directly on the map showed to the user in configuration tab.

full text
search along

The node returns a GeoJSON containing the list of entities (not only services) that match with a list of keywords and, in another output, a list of the service uri of the entities found. The search can be localized by drawing a line directly on the map showed to the user in configuration tab.

full text
search usr

The node returns a GeoJSON containing the list of entities (not only services) that match with a list of keywords and, in another output, a list of the service uri of the entities found.

event search
near marker

The node returns a GeoJSON containing the list of events that take place during the requested period and, in another output, a list of the service uri of the events found. The search can be localized by entering the search point directly on the map showed to the user in configuration tab./p>

event search
within circle

The node returns a GeoJSON containing the list of events that take place during the requested period and, in another output, a list of the service uri of the events found. The search can be localized by drawing the circle directly on the map showed to the user in configuration tab./p>

event search

The node returns a GeoJSON containing the list of events that take place during the requested period and, in another output, a list of the service uri of the events found. The search can be localized by drawing a rectangular area or a specific polygon directly on the map showed to the user in configuration tab

event search
along path

The node returns a GeoJSON containing the list of events that take place during the requested period and, in another output, a list of the service uri of the events found. The search can be localized by drawing a line directly on the map showed to the user in configuration tab).

address poi
search by text
near marker

The node returns a GeoJSON containing the list of address or services that match with a list of keywords and, in another output, a list of the service uri of the services and addresses found. The search can be localized by entering the search point directly on the map showed to the user in configuration tab.

search near

This node returns a JSON containing the address information closest to the input coordinates. The search can be localized by entering the search point directly on the map showed to the user in configuration tab

search near

This node returns a JSON containing the address information closest to the input coordinates in the other ouput return the list of available areas or lines that pass through the entered point. The search can be localized by entering the search point directly on the map showed to the user in configuration tab.

address poi
search by text

The node returns a GeoJSON containing the list of address or services that match with a list of keywords and, in another output, a list of the service uri of the services and addresses found. The search cannot be localized.

address poi
search by text
near marker

The node returns a GeoJSON containing the list of address or services that match with a list of keywords and, in another output, a list of the service uri of the services and addresses found. The search cannot be localized.

address poi
search by text
within circle

The node returns a GeoJSON containing the list of address or services that match with a list of keywords and, in another output, a list of the service uri of the services and addresses found. The search can be localized by drawing the circle directly on the map showed to the user in configuration tab.

bus routes
search near

The node returns a JSON containing the list of local public transport routes that are located within the area indicated by the user. The search can be localized by entering the search point directly on the map showed to the user in configuration tab. It is possible to filter the result based on the agency to which the route belongs.

bus routes
search within

The node returns a JSON containing the list of local public transport routes that are located within the area indicated by the user. The search can be localized by drawing the circle directly on the map showed to the user in configuration tab. It is possible to filter the result based on the agency to which the route belongs.

bus routes
search within

The node returns a JSON containing the list of local public transport routes that are located within the area indicated by the user. The search can be localized by drawing a rectangular area or a specific polygon directly on the map showed to the user in configuration tab. It is possible to filter the result based on the agency to which the route belongs.

tpl agencies

The node returns a JSON containing a list of public transport agencies, indicating for each agency the name of the company and its service uri.

tpl lines

The node returns a JSON containing a list of the available lines for a given agency indicated with one of the service uri returned from the previous node. For each line are provided: the agency to which it belongs, its short name (i. e. and the abbreviation that identifies it as "C1"), its long name (i. e. the concatenation between the names of the terminus "Parterre-Ponte Alle Grazie") and the service uri that identifies it.

tpl routes by

The node returns a JSON containing a list of routes available for a specific local public transport agency entered in the input.

tpl routes by

The node returns a JSON containing a list of routes available for a specific local public transport line entered in the input (the line can be identified with the service uri of the agency to which it belongs and its shortname or with its service uri without specifying the agency.).

tpl stops by

The node returns a JSON containing information about the incoming route (i. e. line number, line name and the wkt that represents it geographically) and a GeoJson containing the list of all stops that can be found on that route.

tpl stop

Node provides the timeline of a tpl stop

within circle

It provides a list of suggestions of services near to indicated circle.

value type
search near

The node returns a GeoJSON containing the list of services searched, in another output a list of services related to the services searched is returned. The search can be localized by entering the search point directly on the map showed to the user in configuration tab.

value type
search within

The node returns a GeoJSON containing the list of services searched, in another output a list of services related to the services searched is returned. The search can be localized by drawing the circle directly on the map showed to the user in configuration tab. The search can be filtered according to the categories of services to be searched, selectable from a menu in the configuration tab

value type
search within

The node returns a GeoJSON containing the list of services searched, in another output a list of services related to the services searched is returned. The search can be localized by drawing a rectangular area or a specific polygon directly on the map showed to the user in configuration tab.

value type
search along

The node returns a GeoJSON containing the list of services searched, in another output a list of services related to the services searched is returned. The search can be localized by drawing a line directly on the map showed to the user in configuration tab.

get my data

It allows to retrieve the personal data inserted in My Personal Data.

get my

It allows to retrieve information about users that allows you to see their data.

get my

It allows to retrieve information related to users to whom you allow to see your data.

get my

It allows to retrieve information related to the activities that have been performed by you on your data.

get other
activity on my

It allows to retrieve information about the activities that have been carried out by the person you have delegated on your data.

save my data

It allows to save the personal data on My Personal Data.

get my

It allows to retrieve the personal data inserted in My Personal Data.


It allows to retrieve data entered in My Personal Data of people who have made them anonymous and public.

get other data

It allows to retrieve the data inserted in My Personal Data of the people who have delegated you to see them.


With this node you can add a button to an existing dashboard or a new one created by the node. If this button is pressed, it outputs a message from the top output, if the button is released, it outputs a message from the bottom output.


With this node you can add a numeric keyboard to an existing dashboard or a new one created by the node to insert numbers.

switch button

With this node you can add a button to an existing dashboard or a new one created by the node. If this button is switched on "On Value", it outputs a message from the top output, if the button is switched on "Off Value", it outputs a message from the bottom output.


With this node you can add a dimmer to an existing dashboard or a new one created by the node to select numbers in an interval.

gauge chart

With this node you can add a gauge chart to an existing dashboard or a new one created by the node to show numbers.

single content

With this node you can add a single content to an existing dashboard or a new one created by the node to insert messages.


With this node you can add a speedometer to an existing dashboard or a new one created by the node to show numbers.

time trend

With this node you can add a time trend to an existing dashboard or a new one created by the node to show numbers.


With this node you can add a button to an existing dashboard or a new one created by the node. If this button is pressed geolocation information retrieved by the browser is sent by the node.

bar content

With this node you can add a bar graph to an existing dashboard or a new one created by the node to show numbers.

column content

With this node you can add a column graph to an existing dashboard or a new one created by the node to show numbers.

sigfox device

Filters messages from sigfox input node based on given device ID.


Provides an input node for Sigfox http POST device type callbacks.

Callbacks must be first configured using Sigfox web interface.


It allows to register a device (like Arduino or Raspberry Pi or others) that measures more values such as temperature and humidity. The name and type of the device, its position and where it is to be registered, whether it is a sensor or an actuator and the values that it measures must be entered.

iot directory

It provides...

iot directory

It provides...

fiware orion

Provides a node for making requests to Fiware Orion context broker.

event log

It allows to log the traffic passing inside the node.